Banana island, also known as Dicalabuan Island is 1.5 hours away from the Coron town, which is also near to the high class resort, Two Seasons Coron Island Resort and Spa at Bulalacao Island – which can also be seen from the Bulog Dos Island side.
Exotic Philippines along with 2 fellow bloggers, visited the Banana island after the Bulog Dos island and took our lunch in the island - and that's why this post is entitled the lunch break at Banana Island. It was around 12 noon when we arrived in the island, and after 15 minutes of swimming at Bulog Dos I was already hungry.

Our cottage for the day. It's simple but the view is awesome.

Our cottage also gives a quick access to the beach and we can just actually watch Lia playing. She loved it!

When our lunch was set up by our guide, I want to eat right away but Channel took a swim first. She was there for about 30 minutes, and after I took a photo of her swimming I'm not sure where she was anymore since she can dive.

When she came back she said I should go along with her since there are a lot of fishes taking their lunch too. But then I was still full, so I just told her that she should eat first.
After few minutes of letting her rest and digest her lunch, we went for a swim and snorkel to the beach. She was hoping that the fish are still there since she said it was really beautiful and surely, for a newbie like me. will be amazed.

The water is clear. And yes, I can actually swim and float without the vest, I just learned that I can do that when I was in Coron. LOL.

Few minutes later I saw some corals, corals that I expected that a lot of fish will be. Channel lead me to the areas that she saw the fish eating, she said there was even a huge fish eating, but they all seem to be gone.
But few more minutes, I started to see some fish passing by me. They look at me and looked shocked that I'm a huge fish, no worries fishes. I'm not a whale, I'm a pigfish. LOL.

They ran away after they saw me. Most likely scared but there are also some who just ignored me and my GoPro swimming along with them.

I also saw few people swimming, and they were looking at us since we're not wearing a vest and we have fins and all, and they were like screaming to their friends not to leave them alone.
As I was passing by the corals, as a first timer in snorkeling I was surprised when the corals moved.

And I was wrong, it's not a coral (i think) it closes and opens and when I get near it it just closed. But I have the feeling that it's a clam.
I was playing with it for a bit and left it alone to find other fish.

Most of the fish there are black, but there were also some who are unique and some are even bigger.
Channel says those fish are not as big as what she saw during her first swim. Knowing that makes me regret on not going along with her.
Still, I was able to enjoy chasing some of the fish there.

I started to hear someone kind of talking to me, it was Channel screaming for me. Nope, she didn't drown or something, she's a better swimmer and diver than I am.
She was pointing to something.

So I turned around and look for what she's trying to point out to me.

It was a clam. Or they're all clams!

I dive a bit and caught this fish. Gotcha fishy!
But really, I was looking at the clams. They were all big and there are a lot of them there.

Channel and I was there for more than 30 minutes, we did enjoyed Banana island of Coron Palawan, but our guide said we should get going. There's an island we should get to, and that is the Malcapuya island and Ryan said they have a lot of fish there and we'll surely enjoy it.
But still, if you're asking if Banana Island is one of the islands in Coron Palawan that you should visit, totally! I didn't go further in the beach side since we're more interested in snorkeling. But they said the beach there are beautiful. Sorry, no photos from me for that.
Exotic Philippines traveled and tour Coron with:
Blue Lagoon Adventure Travel and Tours
National Highway, Bgy. Poblacion 1
Coron, Palawan, RP 5316
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