Exotic Philippines 001: February Love

It’s been a month now since I started the blog. I have watched the traffics of my website every time I have a new post. So that I would know what topics would totally grab your attention and read my blog.

I have decided that every time before the month ends, I would show you guys what are the top 5 most viewed topics for the month and the of course the status of the website that is by means of traffic.

For everyone’s benefit, I would also like to know what you want to know and see here in my blog that is related to my country, the Philippines. You could leave me a comment down below and tell me what you think, you want, or anything you could say about this plan.

For the month of February, I started gaining traffics and it’s actually flattering for me already having two comments for this month and also having my blog getting featured from other famous blogs and websites. You’ve given such great feedback in my blog, and I totally love you for that. And for that, I have a new blog posting schedule! What is it? What’s the plan? Well you better watch the video for you to know what will be going on here in Exotic Philippines.

This idea just suddenly pop up in my mind, I am totally hoping that you would all love it.

Again, from the very bottom of my heart! Thank you so much!

‘Till next time Exotic Philippines peepz!


Wednesday topic here in Exotic Philippines! It is the famous Humba, a Filipino food!

Do you appreciate what this blog do? Want to send help for this blog? Your every cents goes a long way