I was at the Waterfront Airport hotel in Mactan to attend the public hearing on the plan to increase the Passenger Service Charge (PSC) for the Mactan-Cebu International Airport.
MCIAA wish to increase their international rate from P550 to P740, and P300 for domestic rate to P400. I’m using the word “wish” since this is just a proposal to increase the PSC (a.k.a. terminal fee) for the following six (6) reasons.
Last increase was way back in 1999 and 2006
It was way back in 1999 when they increased their international rate from P500 to P550, and 2006 when they increased their domestic rate to P300.
MCIAA's financial revenue stream decreases
With the last increase rate, and the current increase in all our expenses and costs it is possible that the revenue stream may decrease from about P1.5 Billion a year to only P500 Million after the Concession Agreement.
MCIA Projects and Upgrades
The MCIAA’s recently partnered with GMR-Megawide under a private-public agreement to help plan and do upgrades for the airport. Obviously, we’re really behind. It’s not fair to compare with international countries, so even we compare our airports (generally here in the Philippines) to other Asian we’re really behind.
Please note that GMR-Megawide is the current partner of the top rated airport in New Delhi, India. They’re the ones who brought the airport from 100+ ranking (if I’m not mistaken) to top 3 best airport around the world.
MCIA’s Service Improvement
Among of the promises that the representative of the GMR-Megawide that if we’ll pursue the plans, we have a huge improvement in terms of booking queue, luggage queue, ambiance, efficiency, look, feel, facilities, etc. Which is what most of us is demanding for, that we’ve been wanting for.
Increase Flights and Airlines
At the moment, we only have one (1) flight a day from Cathay Pacific, one of the known airline in Asia. I’ve already took a ride with Cathay Pacific and they’re really a great airline. They’re kid friendly, great customer service and because they’re known they can totally bring a huge number of tourists directly to Cebu.
Next year, they did promised to increase their number of flights and with that we really need to upgrade since there are also other airlines who are interested in having a direct flight to Cebu.
Other Countries have increased
Finding out that Japan (they have that earthquake proof airport) only charge P1,000 plus for their international and we will only charge P750 to at least improve the services and the facilities of the airport, I say why not? Right?
Please note that these six reasons that I’m sharing with you are the reasons that I see why we should really increase our PSC. But of course, I do hope that all the money will go to where they should go, and not somewhere else. Plus, with a promise that the expected results will be delivered. It may not be immediate, but I do hope within at least 5 years we’ll all be able to see what we’ve paid for.
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